Young plumber almost put out of business by tool thieves

Young plumber almost put out of business by tool thieves

By Neil Shaw  |  Posted: July 14, 2017

A 22-year-old plumber who has been in business for a year says he was almost forced to stop work after thieves raided his van and stole £1,700 of power tools.
The man, who has asked not to be named, has been able to carry on work after borrowing tools from friends.

His white Citroen Berlingo van was raided over night in Hogarth Walk, Elburton on Tuesday or Wednesday. He said: "My passenger door at the front was damaged. They'd knocked the lock through to create a hole and put their fingers through to lift the latch, opening the central locking.
"They could only access through the side door as I'd backed my van up against my mum's car so they couldn't open the rear doors."
Once inside the thieves targeted a large number of items which were held in three 'Tough System' boxes and four T-stack boxes made by DeWalt. The tools included two DeWalt drills, a DeWalt angle grinder, a circular saw, multi-tools, a light, a Makita mains SDS drill and assorted plumbing fittings, reports plymouthherald.
He said: "I've been a self employed plumber for about a year. I had my name written in black marker on a couple of the power tools. All in all I think I've lost around £1,700.

"This week has been a complete write off for me. I've had friends let me borrow tools but it's not the same. I'm trying to get back on my feet as soon as possible and buy the tools back, but I don't want to just get the cheapest – I need decent tools.
"I'll have to rebuild it all until I've got my stuff back, assuming I get it back. I've been talking to a lot of other tradesmen and they say they have to take everything out each and every night. They say it's a pain in the backside, but they've got to do it, because these thieves keep targeting works vans."
If you have any information about this incident, or have been offered cheap plumbing or power tools, please contact police on 101 or email or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 quoting crime reference number CR/056889/17.


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