Emergency Plumbing Tips

Are you having problems with a water leak or flood in your house? Before phoning your insurance company, read this article first.

Water damage in your home is subject to a very high excess charge on your home insurance. Most policy excesses are at least £500 for damage caused by water and not to mention the negative effect it will have on all future policy renewals for the next few years.

So before picking up the phone to your insurance company first, consider us. In most cases if you have had a pipe burst and water has come through the ceiling, we can fix the leak and repair your ceiling as good as new for a lot less than the cost of your home insurance excess.

Steps to deal with an emergency.

  1. Test your stopcock today - before an emergency happens! If you cant find it or turn your water off, you may wish to give us a call for help.
  1. In addition to turning your water off at the stopcock, you may wish to check that you have an outside stopcock in the street outside your home and you can access it. Your local water authority can check this out and arrange this free of charge for you.
  1. Always have lots of old spare towels to hand next to your stopcock, so that you grab them in an emergency.
  2. If a leak occurs, turn off the water at your stopcock and call us on 01782 703082 or go to http://www.stokeplumber.com/emergency-plumber-in-stoke-on-trent/
  3. In most cases we will repair the problem and visit you again once everything is dried out. If any plastering or decoration is required, we can do this for you.

For further advice please go to www.stokeplumber.com


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